Moving on.......
Well, for those that are still following this blog....don't know why cause the season is over, here's the big news.......I am retiring from skeleton.
Yup, that's right, I officially retired yesterday after quite some pondering. The picture says it all, South Beach Miami, now if we could do skeleton in the sand.......
Actually, I am retiring from this sport, with no regrets, but it does not mean that I am done with my quest to get to the Olympics 2010. Whatever happens now, I see it that I have 4 years to prepare.
I have still offered my services as a spare on the Greek bobsled team if they decide to continue.
I have told my parents of my decision, and since this quest is in their honour, their only obligation is to stay alive so they could see it happen....I will keep you all posted from time to time.
For now, let's enjoy the coming summer months.....