'Tis the Christmas season.....
Well, if this makes sense....a week sure takes a long time to pass but before you know it, it's already in the books.......that's how Christmas felt this season.
I had to arrive 2 days earlier back home because of the weather and airport conditions so I ended up spending a full week....7 days away from the Oval, instead of simply just 4 or 5 days. Of course, it was great to see my family, especially my girls, but I will be the first one to admit that I wasn't quite 100% into the Christmas spirit and that bothered me a bit. My head was back in Calgary....I went through Christmas with a little bit of emotional, mental, and physical turmoil. I have 3 months to complete the task at hand and I am finally feeling the pressure and although I enjoy that type of pressure....I am worried about other things like my skates hurting me so much that my feet are destroyed and how that is affecting me, also getting my strength back up to par as I felt extremely tired near the end of training, etc.....these things are on my mind and of course, now, to get rid of that Christmas "diet" I was on for a week and we all know what that is about!!
We spent Christmas Eve at my Bro's place in Montreal as we do every year as he hosts a huge family seafood gala....I am talking oysters, clams, smoked salmon,crab legs 3-5lbs lobsters, shrimp, scampi.....I am hungry all over again.....and we don't waste a thing.....I am usually the last one at the table and the kids don't like that cause they need to open their presents you see......that's them in the pic about to dig in under the tree.
On Christmas Day, it's breakfast with my parents and lunch with the in-laws which is always delicious, and then we do the customary roll ourselves into the car and hike it back home to Ottawa for Christmas Night as that is when the real Santa comes a knockin'. My daughter prepares her little table with her note and some snacks like cookies and a beer...bless her heart....she has learned that milk might spoil by the time Santa rolls around...heh heh. Then, she prepares the reindeer food outside of our door so the reindeer have a snack whilst Santa packs the tree....see pics.
The next morning, the tree suddenly has gifts, a note is left back to my daughter from Santa, the snacks have been nibbled on, and the beer, well that's long gone....
My daughter and I also dug out the fire pit and we had a family fire....it's amazing....amidst all the white deep snow.....we had fire.....it was good for me as it added a sense of normalcy to my visit. My wife and I enjoyed a great bottle of wine by the fire while I taught my daughter how to make a snow bed and she did it herself.....dug out a bed in the snow and layed some pine branches, like a matress, for comfort....she got a kick out of that and then I had to convince her that her real bed was much cozier as she wanted to try it for the night.....
And of course we had some friends over and some unexpected stop-overs but that is what Christmas is all about....drinking beer....I mean, spending time with the ones you love and understanding how fortunate we really are....
Now, I will use this week to get back in skating shape cause next weekend is my first big race....Canada Cup #1.....
Happy New Year to all.