Saturday, May 09, 2009

Back at the ranch.....

Well it's been just over a month that I have been back to the routine and reality of my other life at home......it's good to be home.

My wife joined me on the drive back from Calgary.....3 days of isolation.....heh heh....nah, it was all good and I really enjoyed the company. The ride went well besides the fact that we drove on sheer ice for 12hours through North Dakota as it was declared a disaster zone with the winter storm that passed and the flooding that was happening.......still, we managed a picture on the move....don't try this at home!!

My buddy, colleague, and past skeleton coach Pascal, now lives outside of Calgary so we stopped by his place as we started our drive. It was good to see him and just strange that this journey has taken me full circle......the Olympic dream started with Pascal and skeleton in 2004 and when I left Calgary, there was Pascal again....not sure what to make of it.

The big news is my daughter had her confirmation in April....the whole gang came up from Montreal to witness this special event and since it was Greek Easter on the same day, we celebrated with grilling lamb on an open fire in my own backyard....delicious!! That's my Dad and my father in-law....the cooks!!

Since I have been back, I had one week off before I went to work and I did absolutely nothing....which was great but then the strangest thing happened to me and my body. From week two 'till today, my body underwent a decompression phase.....I was hurting everywhere, joints, muscles....everywhere, and I mysteriously gained 10 phantom pounds....they are phantom cause it didn't look like I gained weight, it didn't feel like I gained weight, and everyone was telling me how much weight I lost but the scales were telling a different story. I have never fluctuated in weight so this was a head scratcher......I mean I was weighing more than I ever have in my life....anyways, things are starting to come back to normal now and a good thing too as I am now starting my dryland training in case I return to Calgary.

I am now waiting for the Olympic qualifications times that will be posted in July and from there, I will have to make a decision if I think I can make up the time to qualify. This is really going to be tough as I progressed the whole season nailing PB over PB and I made up lots of seconds but the question now is.....how many seconds do I have left in me? Am I ready to plateau now? Can another short season of training bring me to where I need to get? All unknowns.....

I may test the waters and head out there for 2 months or so and see if there is still improvement and then make a sound decision.....it would be tough to leave the family again.

Anyways I want to thank everyone for their support over this season, to everyone who came on this journey with me, believing in me....to all the people that supported me financially, to my colleagues and supervisors at work, to all my friends who sent me encouraging emails and most importantly, to my wife and daughter who sacrificed so much to let me pursue this dream of honouring my parents.

Stay tuned for the next decision....
