My how things are different elsewhere....

A couple of beefs here.......
After living in smoke free Ottawa for the past few years, I cannot get used to all the smoke here. Everybody smokes here, I have not seen someone who does not smoke here yet...besides the child in the baby carriage. Now this isn't just here, but in Europe in general, but I find it more pronounced here. In restaurants, people are lighting up when their date is still eating or people are smoking while's killing me.....I am slowly dying of smoke inhalation...I have heard that even while sliding, you can smell smoke in some curves. In house fires, most people die of smoke inhalation.....I don't understand why people would want to breath in smoke on purpose.
Okay, 2nd beef......I like animals, dogs in particular, even though I would never own one because I am of the theory that if I don't pick up my own crap...why would I pick up dog crap. I wouldn't have any animals in the house for that matter simply because I don't like having hair all over the place and all over my clothes but I gotta draw the line at bringing your dog to a restaurant. Here, and in other places in Europe, your dog comes with you to the restaurant and not only that but when you think your dog is thirsty....the waitress will bring you a bowl of water....nice. The irony of this all is that the dogs here are probably dying of lung cancer from breathing in second hand smoke too....
Anyways, another beautiful night here in Schonau Konigssee....not cold and just a slight haze in the air that when you look up in the mountains, (you can't see them because it is dark out) you just see some lights from houses that look like they are stars and hanging in nothingness.....beautiful night for a stroll and to think about nothing although, this is a night where I wish my family was here with me and to hear my daughter say........." Daddy, carry me on your neck "
Tomorrow, the action starts....sliding 101.....
You got a great sence of humor in describing your plight and experiences...thanks for making me laugh with you..
How is the BAG?? Still holding up?
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