I sucked today...in serious fashion!!
Well, I felt great this morning and thought things would be just as great since I woke up in the middle of the night to find out that my watch, which is also my alarm, had died on me so I set my cellphone alarm....someone was watching out for me....can you imagine?? missing the race because you slept in?? Yikes!! My whole family is here, my wife and daughter, my Mom and Dad, my in-laws, and my Bro and his wife are coming tonight for tomorrow's race.
I had my best push today in the first heat, a 5.50, which is better than last year where I was in the 5.70's - 5.80's, so the improvement is there but to be averagely competitive, the push has to be around the 5.25. Anyways, good enough for now. The goal today was to be good on the top portion cause that's where you gather speed, and it has been giving me some problems since I put on the new runners, and the rest I have not been having a problem with. So, the top goes fairly well but coming out of turn 14, where there is a nice long straight, I hit 3 times where I usually don't hit, or hit once at the most....well this sent me late into the next turn, which means I could hit the roof (and the saying is, you have to sign your name while you're up there) so I tried to correct but over did it and caused myself to skid enormously which totally blew my speed and I basically trickled out to the finish.
I was some pissed cause I know I could do this. I realize that this race is not important for my qualifications but being an athlete all my life, I just can't accept that kind of excuse so it burns me silly to underperform. The second heat went better, good transition on top, no hit out of 14 and a nice fast straight away, but almost the same time cause now the ice was like 2 secs slower (it's really not cold here, like plus 12 average for the week).
So, I don't finish last, but second to last @%^%#^%$^($#%^*^$*^%#$^#@!!!!!!!
Of course my family is impressed and that is really why I wanted them here, so they can really appreciate what I am doing and see it live. I am still amazed when I see it myself.....human bullets is what we look like.
Anyways, no bruises to report which means I am doing something right. Tomorrow is another day, even though today is hard to forget. I am changing runners for tomorrow, cause these ones today I am not sure of, so who knows what the day will hold.
Here's a newsflash...my wife informed me that she tried the skeleton simulator in which case she lays on a skeleton sled and they outfit her with sort of like virtual reality glasses, and she gets the full effects of wind, speed, ride, and crowd noise and does actual tracks....like she did Lake Placid and the Koenigssee Germany, the one I will be qualifying on....can you believe that????!!!! She did it before me!! Anyways, now she truly appreciates what the sport is all about and I am proud of her for trying cause it is scary stuff.
My highlight of the day is after my 2nd run at the finish, my wife and her parents, the "T's", were there and of course, my daughter.....I am standing there with my sled, higher on the track, helmet half on my head, dressed in my Batman outfit that all the guys at work like, and seeing my daughter's eyes wide open and her jaw hanging not saying anything......I think she realized now that skeleton is not just about pushing the sled around the local ice rink....she was impressed, but quickly decided that she would rather be at the hotel swimming pool.....I had my glory, if only for a few seconds.