Sunday, November 06, 2005

New vision.....

That's Brian Macdonald, US skeleton slider, brought my sled to me before take off, and that's the blast off, minus the turbo.....
After having a couple of days to absorb everything that happened over the past week, and also everything that happened behind the scenes the past 8 months, I now have a new vision for this dream......relax, get all the experience I can in upcoming races so I can bring it to the table in January in Germany, and most of all, have fun!!
A lot of people have been telling me to have fun....but I wasn't, I was stressed for reasons beyond my control, which is unlike me cause I leave a lot to fate and destiny, I was anxious, I was nervous, I was irritable and this past week, it all came together.....I had fun, a lot of fun, to the point where sliding now is a part of me....before we were 2 separate entities trying to get to know each other and the unexpected. Now, I can honestly say I am comfortable with the position I've put myself in.
This new attitude comes thanks to everyone I talked to in Lake Placid. I learned so much in one week, basic, simple, logical things, and not all technical stuff....just new ways of seeing things and approaching things. I wish I knew this before the season started but I chalk it up to 'gaining experience'....it is all part of the process and progress.
And now that my whole family got a chance to come out and watch me slide and see what the sport really is all about, rounds off my comfort level....I really wanted them to know and see. Having my family there was just amazing....especially my wife and daughter, I really want to share this experience with them. Although my Mother is proud...she is still waiting to see the day I take up knitting or needlepoint, instead of high adrenaline stuff he he.
I am now really looking forward to my next races...especially Park City....that track hurt me some bad so now I am ready to revisit and conquer.
This new vision, is like life, it is all about how you look at things, what is your perspective, and sometimes, it takes someone, or something, to make you look at things just a little differently...and then you ask yourself....why didn't I think of that??!!


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