Park City.....Day 1
Boy was getting to Park City a long day!! Up at 03:30am and getting to the Captain's meeting like right on time at 7:00pm....made it to bed by 10:30pm Utah time (2 hours back).
I was glad to see my sled again, I missed her. My buddy Steve, with the CDN team helped transport it down for me. The whole CDN team is great, helping me out and watching video....even though it's funny sometimes watching me he he. By the way Marie, I hear you're reading this sometimes....Steve says hi and sends you a hug.
Well visiting my first punishing track was first slide down I was like "Hah you ain't all that Park City!!"...then slide 2 came along and reminded me how mean Park City could be......back to reality!!
Actually, this track is very beatable and I am looking forward to sliding some more here. The thing with this track is if you slide it well, it is zippidy-doo-dah fast but any error, and it makes you pay......dearly.
My slide times were 6 to 8 seconds faster than my school times and that was just in January of this year.
The weather is like Placid....warm, no snow.....I can get used to this, especially when we are wearing those Peter Pan getaway suits.
It was actually snowing this morning but small, wet snowflakes which of course, turned into rain not long after.
I did forget how high above sea level we are here cause just warming up took my breath away, and speaking of taking my breath away, Utah is beautiful!! The mountains are huge and majestic....we are truly so finite and miniscule in this whole world....makes you stop and wonder.....
Well, tomorrow is another day and I gotta get serious busy and have some clean to follow of course.
By the way, wife of still take my breath away too!!
Who loves you....Officer Tabs
Sounds like you are having a wonderful time and that it is absolutely beautiful out there. Don't forget to stop and smell the cool brisk air and the snow topped mountains...good luck....dino
Dino, nice to hear from you. Yea, it is beautiful here but now that I am completely is time to go.
Hope you and the family are doing well. We'll speak soon.
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