Day period....
Yesterday, I opted to not slide on the last training day and instead, spent the morning watching the bobs go down and then spending 4 hours watching the skeleton sliders come down the false straight and into kreisel. Watching everybody do it right and everybody doing it wrong, getting the timing of the steers in the kreisel which are crucial for a nice exit.
I believe I gained more experience preparing this way than spending 2 minutes on the ice....we will see the results today as it is race day......69 male sliders and 29 women sliders....I am 59th in the men and we go only after the women......the wait in this sport just kills me even though we are only here to do that...slide.
I have set some goals for this race....will share when I'm done.
Pics...the Crazy Canucks Steve, John, Mike, Keith, polishing their runners and sleds before race day. Once again the CNDs were awesome to me and both the girls and guys did extremely well on this track snagging a couple of medals.
The Greek bobsled team on their last training run before race day. (pic is dark cause you can't use flash...especially when they are about to take off)
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