Week one......
Well, I am a hurting unit but I figure these aches and pains will last about a week or two until I get accustomed to the specific training.....but I am loving it.
I was very surprised when I called the Oval on Labour day Monday and they were open so I got in a weight workout and a skate.........so, the pain started early...heh heh.
But, with King James at the helm, newly configured skates, new speeed suit, I am feeling good.......although James came out for a session with me on Thursday and once again, this sport humbled me......we were doing progressive laps and I realized I have work to do......
My roommates are cool guys, both looking to start high profile charter accounting jobs and they are studying hard now..........exams are coming within weeks for both of them so I keep interupting them......just joking. The house is well located.....close to the Oval and lots of shopping.
We had a little furnace issue this week......yes it is that cold here while you folks back home are enjoying Jamaican weather. Anyways, I called my buddy Frank from Ottawa at 11pm, he is really amazing, and just over the phone, he hooked us up......unbelievable.....we had heat. Thanks Frank.......anyone need a furnace or AC guy, let me know.
Starting to bump into the same people at the Oval and they are getting to know me too. Met Cindi Klassen the other day in the gym.....saw her last season but didn't want to bother her while training but in the gym, I introduced myself and we chatted awhile.
Congratulated Clara Hughes the other day too on a great job she did in Beijing.....both very nice people.
I hear more donations are coming and that's great cause it seems that money is flying out of my pockets. My colleagues Maria and Manon and her husband Anthony from Montreal sent me a cheque just out of the blue. That is so amazing and I thank them dearly......to go out of their way to help me financially and encourage me with their kind words is truly special.
The RCMP Mess Fund came through for me again also this year buy donating $500 towards my quest. I thank them enormously for their support and will make them proud. I also thank Luc who stood in for me to plead my case as I was already here in Calgary.
Danielle Goyette, who played on the womens Team Canada, now coaches the womens University team here asked me to help her out during their training camp this week so that gave me extra ice time and I was feeling it but I enjoyed it........my good buddy Serge referred me to Danielle.........I even met Cassie Cambpell as she was helping Danielle too.
So after a full week of dryland, speed skating, and hockey camps........Advil has become my best friend........hoping to have a massage set up for next week too.
I fully expected to hurt for at least the first two weeks until my body gets acclimatised to the training, the altitude, and my new eating habits. I may have to tweak a few things here and there to make my sched and training more efficient but I will figure it all out this month.
The picture is taken from where I am currently living and I found it very odd and coincindental that I can see Canada Olympic Park, where I spent so much time on the bobsled track and ice house in 2005.......click on the pic and you'll see the track.........a sign?........who knows.
The other pic.....my roommates......Steve on the left and Warren the one not smiling......
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