Can you say MISSISSIPPI??
Go ahead, say it...mississippi.....that's one full second in time.....for me,that is not even one stride on the ice. I am literally a mississippi missis...away from the 1,000m qualification time....1.5 seconds away...very close.
I raced the North American Championship race this past weekend and managed to only PB my 1,500m distance. The other distances were the same as my past PBs....well it shows that I am consistent but does it mean that I have peaked?? I don't think so cause I know I made some technical mistakes during each and every race.
This portion of the journey is almost over and I can't believe we are already in February. On the one hand I am tired, injured, fed up, frustrated and on the other hand, I feel that I am just now maturing in this sport and really figuring out the technical aspects of it....the strength and power is's being efficient with that in transferring it to the's what all speed skaters strive to achieve.
I managed to sneak home for a couple of days this week after the races and that was a good time to get away from it all, relax, and see my family. When I am home, I don't even leave the house except to play with my daughter out back in the snow.....or climb up the side of the house to snap icicles...heh heh.
The Dinos hockey team have 2 games left in the season before playoffs. We are 17-3 on the season and should wrap up 1st place this week which would give us a bye for the first round of the playoffs....geez this team has great coaches..heh heh.
Anyways, back at it now for a good technical skating month with maybe some weekend races, until the last race, the ING Finale in March, which also marks the end of the speed skating about crunch time!!
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