Sunday, January 29, 2006

Behind Every Strong Man....

There is a good, patient, smart woman...that would be me, Silvia, Dee's silent partner. I have watched my husband's goal materialize from conception to execution, and let me tell you I have never seen Dee as dedicated and focused as he has been over the past year. He has trained relentlessly and with a lot of sacrifice, yet, always making time for his family. I know I married a good man...but to see his heart and drive has made Melia and myself proud.

He has taught us that it's not always about getting what you want...it's how you get there. Hard work, passion and integrity. His Olympic dream may not have come to fruition but his journey, in my and Melia's eyes, have left Dee standing on the number 1 podium. To all of you who have sponsored, helped, and encouraged Dee, I personally thank you, and stay tuned... chapter two is not far behind.

A full year to the day.......

Last year, at exactly this time, I was competing in my first skeleton race in Lake Placid....it's amazing how the time passed....a blink of an eye!! It is also fitting that I end the same way I started.....in pain!! In the beginning, after the school and then immediately a first race on a technical course, I was some banged up.....now after the last race, I am still banged up.
They say my hand is not broke but there has been no change in swelling or pain since Germany. I may enter the world of guiness records for the length of time for 'trying not to sneeze' since my chest has not changed either.....this may take awhile.
I have thought of a lot of things over this past week and looking back, there are no regrets.
Going back to work immediately, and being back home, helped take my mind off any disappointing feelings I had....but a day like this Sunday, gives me some time to reflect.....
I want to thank everyone who sponsored me financially and in other ways that were so important. Everyone who bought a t-shirt made the dream truer and truer. Everybody who wrote me emails or posted comments on this blog, I thank you for all your support....the power of a few words when you are across the globe on your own, carry so much weight.
My colleagues at work, who made fun of me while I was wearing spandex, thanks for your patience and support, especially my immediate boss, Serge, who gave me this spectacular opportunity to live out the dream.....thanks.
Of course, my parents, who are glad this is over, just cause of the danger aspect, and my in-laws, the Ts who were always so supportive.
And finally, my wife, who constantly lets me explore life and who supports me in any endeavour I undertake...thanks for all the positive reinforcement...and don't worry, I know I will be doing dishes for a long time, and my beautiful daughter, who supplied me with an abundance of her energy and helped me train throughout the year...you don't know it yet but thank you.
Well stay posted from time to time....you never know what new chapter in life is dying to be read and played out.......just remember, enjoy, cause it's all over....in a blink of an eye!!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

The final race...and reality of it all....

I just got back from the Bobbahn and the race went as expected. The guys who qualified really deserve it and they worked hard for it....I am proud of my Irish friend Dave, aka Mr. Canole, and my South African friend Tyler, they will surprise in the Olympics.
I will now head into the shower, nice and hot, and I will shave, get all prim and proper, and look all dashing for my wife whom I will pick up in Munich tomorrow and spend the day before returning to the life I know.
The journey has been awesome, and once I collect all my thoughts, I will share them.
Beautiful Konigssee, see you maybe another time.....
Pics: what can I say???......this is what kept me going........

Day 6 and 7.....the dream.....is just a dream....

Now I know why people get addicted to drugs like painkillers....when you're on them, top of the world, lots of confidence, it don't hurt.........when you're off them, ooh-la-la.....you quickly remember what happened.
So, I raced yesterday....I pushed as hard as I could (which was just as well as a push when I am healthy) and I got a PB (personal best) on this track. I was definately happy about that and to make my hopes even more divine, I qualified for a second run....unbelievable!!
The athletes here are really World Cup status athletes....they are performing so well....I truly believe that skeleton, at this level, has reached its full potential. The top 10 sliders could have easily competed in the World Cup tour this year, in fact 4 of the top 8 sliders yesterday were sent down from the world cup tour cause only 12 of 16 nations on world cup qualify, the other 4 qualify via Challenge Cup.
As happy as I was though, each run cost me more damage. My runs were clean, kreisel was a walk in the park, but each minute of each run lying on my chest was simply brutal!! I could not lift my sled to the start line, thanks to Chris Hedquist who took care of that, and at the end of my runs, could not lift my sled out of the track nor onto the truck that takes us back up, thanks to my fellow athletes who helped me out there too. My head dragged through most of the curves simply cause my back and neck are a bit mangled also. In the end of it all, I finished 25th, last of the second heat but not last overall.....would I do it again....just to know if there was a chance??.....damn straight!!
You know you are hurting when you feel the pain through the painkillers. After the race, I believe I put my chest into spasm....I could not stand straight, could not lift an arm, and would have unexpected pain or spasm where I would let out involuntary grunts and people would look at me funny. So even though I took another pill after the race and before bed....sleep was a long way off....along comes today......
Today, after doing the math again, I realized that I have nobody to impress....I would be sliding just to slide recreationally and considering how I felt yesterday after the race and how I feel now, I decided to pack my bags...which on its own was a painful feat to zip up my sled bag....that truly confirmed that I made the right decision.
Even if my chances were slim to none, I would have slid, but the fact of the matter is, even if I finished 1st in both heats, the next top 8 sliders would have to crash, get disqualified, not show up, not get a second run, etc....so do the math.
It pains me...in more ways than one of course, and the hurt continues.....this morning the 4 man Greek bobsled team failed to qualify also, so there goes my 'alternate' ticket to the Games....alas, there will be no Olympic rings tattoo-ed on this body.
I know I am a sucker of 'fate' and with the 'nature of sport', you never know what could happen, and of course, I have seen stranger things happen but, this time, not even science or physics could figure out a formula of 'chance' for me.
I will now wait to see the results of the race today...so far, everything has been going to prediction......off to the track I go.....sledless....but proud!!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Day 4 and 5......who invented this sport????

Didn't post yesterday cause I thought my dream came to a crashing halt. I had a huge, spectacular crash out of kreisel on my 2nd run....first time I lost my sled.....but I don't think I had much choice in the matter.
It was my fault, pilot error, I increased my rock to go faster in the straight, which worked well, but the more rock changed the way my kreisel worked out and having more speed probably through my timing off too.
So, they wanted to ambulance me and IV me and all that nice stuff but I wouldn't have any of that. I drove myself to the hospital with my Greek compatriot in tow, in case I lost it or something.....don't know how I did it but the shock started to set in once I was at the hospital and my body started to relax....funny how the body reacts to hard trauma.
I thought I had cracked my sternum and broke my right hand so after a few x-rays, chest and neck okay and hand, unknown due to the overswelling. They put me in a half hand cast, which I directed how the nurse should do it so I could still grip my sled, without the DR overhearing. Then I had two nusres, not one, but two nurses, bandage my hold body up.....is this every guys dream???....minus the pain??? I have ice burn and bruises everywhere that when I got home and stripped down, I realized that I looked like a Mummy. I know my real Mommy wouldn't be impressed but I can tell you, I was almost crying for her.
Anyways, after 4 hours of quality hospital time, I left limping, hard of breathing, but armed with 6 painkillers. (when I post the pic, I am not laughing but only smiling)
So today, I was in no condition to slide BUT, since I had crashed on my 2nd run yesterday, I only had 2 runs under my belt and you need 3 successful training runs to qualify for the race. Most people were telling me not to slide. I even spoke with 4 independant people who were doing the math in who would actually and realistically qualify and Greece, sorry to say, is the long shot. I had some serious thinking to do this morning....I finally decided to at least attempt one slide and if all went well, forgo the 2nd one so I can rest up. So, I popped my pills, took off the cast and showed up.
I was immediately confronted by a jury member who told me to go get medically cleared.....another hurdle cause if it was the same track DR as yesterday, there was no way he would have let me slide and then I wouldn't have had a choice in the matter, but it wasn't. The DR came and saw me, looked at me, asked if I was okay, of course I said yes, and then she said 'yes, he could slide'.
I pretty much jogged the sled off the starting block, crawled on, dragged my toes all the way down, and completed the run. Now I rest and get ready for tomorrow's race.....I am going full pin and whatever may happen....no time to hold back now.
The thing that pissed me off about this whole situation, pissed off at myself, is that I actually considered, after all the facts, to not slide, and I knew I would have regretted that all my life. I really hated the 'self doubt' because that is not me and it made me feel uncomfortable....but sometimes, the pain doesn't make you think straight....but I gotta tell you, with all the support from my wife and daughter, and family and friends, by way of emails and great pictures, that truly helped me make my decision.
Glad I did it, now let the show go on!!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Day 3.....interesting day I must say....

Why is it that everytime you have to pee badly, you get a knot in your shoelace???
After a full week of -10 to -18 weather, I woke up to rain (and I still jogged yesterday)and +1 weather. Well the rain eventually turned into huge, poke me in the eye snowflakes, and it didn't stop snowing all day....of course, our first sliding day.
So I show up at the captains meeting (which is held before the 1st training day of every race to establish team running orders and to discuss other issues) and just before the meeting starts, I hear my name called "Stefanopoulos". So I am thinking, "hey, pretty cool, people are now getting to know who I am" so I raise my hand and I hear "hello, doping control, we need to test you".......awww great....now they're going to know how many pepperoni sticks I've been eating.
As I am doing the paperwork portion, the "Dr." finds out this is my 'first time' and so he calls me a virgin....well.....this just opened the humour door right?! As he explains to me that I have to pull my pants down this low and hold my shirt up this high before I pee (cause they literally stand there and watch you go) I figure both my hands will be occupied so.......I asked him if he would hold the cup...ha ha...of course he said no, and then, while I am just 'hanging loose', I ask him if I could get my camera cause this would make a great shot for my blog. Well, he laughed but the shot was a no-go and by now I am thinking that he wished he had picked someone else for the testing.
Anyways, I learned something about myself today.....I do not have stage fright....I filled that freakin' cup to the to the top and on demand.....what a performance!!
So, onto sliding, the weather was so bad, that they only allowed us one run instead of the customary two runs. The snow was so built up that you got a face full of it and the speeds ranged from 69kms to 89kms and the times were extremely slow. I am surprised that they even let us slide at all but in the end, it was good to see the whole course in slo-mo......it was an educational slide.
I must point out that I finished 8th out of 41 sliders......I don't care what the conditions, no one can take this one away from me he he.
The breakdown: 26 nations, 21 of them male sliders.....gonna be tough....top eight nations, not sliders, make it through.
Our 2 man bobsled team qualifies this morning so we should have result by this afternoon...hopefully good news.
And as for the first question, as I am walking back to my pension from supper, I gotta pee bad of course, but I make it back in time and up to my room in time but as I am untying my boots, one gets a knot in it.....I mean SHEESH, I still made it on time but lesson learned, Murphy is always along for the ride so.....wear velcro boots!!

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Day 2.....just chillin' and waitin'.....

Another beautiful day in Konigssee....actually temperature rose to -1 today instead of -12 so that's a nice change.....never fun to be out in spandex at minus anything....gotta keep the pride for my boyzzz if you know what I mean he he.
Got my workout in, some visualization, and then went for my daily soup....today it was green bean soup with sausage....if it ain't garlic...it's beans...my wife has nothing to worry about....ain't no one coming close to me!!
Just chatting with a few of the skeleton guys and holy smokes, the 8 positions are already pretty much accounted for.....in theory and on paper so, I will definately need to be on top of my game and I will definately need someone to screw up...sorry to say but that is the agony of defeat....the 'nature of sport' I always say....you never know what might happen??!!
Tomorrow will be a clearer picture of who is here and how many competitors there are as we have a meeting before the actual training....5 more days of suspense......

Monday, January 16, 2006

Day 1...MY week begins...Konigssee

Well, after breakfast this morning, I left my compatriots and moved into my new place which is actually my old place where I stayed in December. We said our good byes, and I left them with a handful of Advils and off I went.......I'll probably see them everyday anyways, either at the track or at the 'pension' which is just 5 minutes away. Although Drew was a great roommate, nothing beats having your own pad.
So now I am alone, just like I like it, and now I can focus on my own routine.
Breakfast at 08:00, then a short, 20 minute, limber me up jog through the trails I used to take my morning walks on. Then back to stretch, push ups, sit ups, shower and then, 30 minutes of visualizing and timing my runs as I expect them to go. Then, of course, it's chow time. Lunches will be lite from now on.....big hearty soups, and suppers will be loaded.
I will avoid the track today and tomorrow...instead, I will do a little sightseeing, maybe in Salzburg.
I had a great email surprise this morning....since my family can't be here with me, my Dad in law, Mr. T, took a family picture in front of my parents house in Montreal where I grew up and where life started. The signs were in blue and white of course simply saying 'GO DEE GO' with my little raggamuffins' picture on them. It was an amazing surprise and it really hit me and dawned on me what I am really trying to accomplish here.......this is it.....this is the week!! Thank you so much.
Wednesday the 18th is when official training starts and the dream will soon reach its climax......I can't wait!!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Day 10, 11, 12.....Konigssee

I am bored!!.....and to think, day 12 is actually tomorrow...BUT, life is beautiful!!
Pic: Breakfast time at the 'pension' with the owner Christian in his traditional garb.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Day 7, 8, and 9.....training days

Nothing too exciting going on these days but the boys are doing fine and their 2nd training run today was a huge boost. They pushed hard and had a decent down time. Must be from all the 'hit' pracice they are doing (that's attacking, or hitting the sled all at the same time at the start). See pic.
I must say, even being Greek, I am getting a little tired of the Greek restaurant, although yesterday, Babbis made us some mousaka which was a little treat cause it takes long to prepare. It was a long shot from what Mamma makes but it was not bad.
Today is the first day where I can say it is getting long now. Been here 8 days but now that I am not doing much, but videotaping the guys runs, the whole morning is spent at the track and then, cause they won't let me slide, it gets long.
The World Cup men's skeleton is on tonight so I will definately go see that. My buddy, Paul Boehme, and now to be Olympian, is first off.
It's amazing talking and seeing the CDN guys and girls, Duff, Jeff, Paul, Kelly, Michele, Lindsay, Melissa, Carla......I mean these folks are champions. Paul gave me some tips for next week that I will try out. I wish them all the best.
My neck/back has been really bothering me still so, a very special lady, Yvonne, (don't worry wife....not that kind of special) really massaged the crap out of me, twice this week, and I think she got the knot loosened. She was just great and under certain circumstances, I was very fortunate to get her. Thanks Yvonne.
Well, I am definately eager to get my show on the road. After walking up and down the track so many times, I feel like we are one with each other......I'll tell you if that's true after my first training runs next week he he.
Hi to all the guys at work.........no, I didn't retire!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Day 6.....beautiful Konigssee

Well, I'm back here again and I feel right at home. It is so beautiful here.
I went to the track this morning to see some world cup training sessions, especially the Canadians since I have met them all before.
I tried to get some sliding time here and almost had it but the race director nixed it. Usually during a competition week (World Cup here for bob and skeleton this week), any outside training is not allowed.....doesn't mean I will stop trying.
We then hit the push track where I pushed a skeleton sled and the boys pushed a bobsled.....it was a productive session.
We are off to the Greek restaurant where we will be eating for the next week.....thank God my wife isn't around.....I would never get a kiss.....

Day 5...race day....oops, missed a step...

I am at the start line, my eyes big as eggs, breathing tightening up, and then the 60 second timer sounds off.....knowing our rhythm, we ar going within the next 30 secs. quickly review my responsibilities for the last time in my mind.....the count, the hit, the run, the load, the step in, the hold and sit, the tuck and hold....... it all goes well, at a 100%,except that I loaded with the wrong foot but like my experience on the SWAT team, adapt and react, so I got in like nothing ever happened and that ride ended up being the fastest to date. The boys after went a bit faster but hey, when you mis-step your load, you risk missing the whole sled, so I am very happy with my performance I feel comfortable now that I would be be to fill in at any position if the need arose.
I fully enjoyed my bob expereince and I believe this team has a great chance to qualify for the Oympics.
Our bobsled coach also arrived today, Robin. I dont know him yet but I hear he is very good and is well respected in the bob community. He could very well be the blessing this team needs for the next two weeks
We are off to Konigssee tonight for the next chapter.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Day 4........my aching neck.....

Never slide 5 times in the same day.....a lesson learned the hard way. My neck is really sore but it got stretched out on my 4 man ride.
We went at about 80% cause it was my first time and boy....what a blast!! I ran well and loaded well and John-Andrew took us for a nice ride. I can tell you, with all the leg power from 4 guys pushing this sled, it flies out like a rocket from the block and you just keep giving it steam.....wow!!
Another amazing day here in the Alps. I have been very lucky with sliding weather this season.
Well, tomorrow is a 4 man race day and guess what, yours truly will be in the 3rd position this time and since it is a race.......we will be boogying at a 100%.....to the moon Alice!!

Day 3....a skeleton day

Beautiful day again today, beautiful scenery...it never ceases to amaze me.....although it always reminds how minute we are in this existence.
Since I never slid skeleton on this track here in Igls Austria, I asked if I could give it a go and it so happened, lucky me, that there were 2 sessions today, morning and evening.
So, to maximize my sliding time, I slid twice in the morning and 3 times in the evening but not before practicing some bob loads at the farmhouse.....as the Aussie's would say 'I reckon I'm gonna be some sore tomorrah'.
The guys, John-Andrew (pilot), Little Alex (2nd position and not so little), Big Alex (3rd position and bigger than small Alex), and Drossos aka Drew (brakeman for 2 and 4 man bob), are really great. We are laughing hard......it's amazing when you get a few boys together and within 10 minutes, we are talking about farts and busting a gut. Actually, the guys have been great to me and accepted me well. They are helping me get all the positions down pat.
Tomorrow, my first run in the 2 position on the 4 man during a training session....can't wait.

Day 2....Intro to bobsled..

Well after a good nights sleep, I peeked out my window and the beauty I saw was just astounding.....the Austrain Alps were smack in my face....so beautiful, I can't believe I am here. The sun is shining, the weather is perfect (-5)....perfect for my initiation as brake man on the 2 man bobsled.
It's amazing how much faith you put in a bob pilot.....after you pound the ice pushing the sled, you hop in and tuck down until he yells 'brake' and then you hammer it or else you'll be doing the ski jump off the mountain with a bobsled.
Well of course I was a bit anxious but after a few practice loads and instruction in a barn where we stored our sleds, I was ready to go.
I had a blast....the pilot John-Andrew did a great job. It was so much fun and I have to admit, I was giddy from the excitement of it all. The pressure is felt a lot differently from skeleton. You feel it more on your lower and upper back as the pressures push you down in the sled.
Anyways, it all went well and smooth and the braking, well, it was perfect....sign me up.

Igls Austria.....loooooong 1st day

Well flew into Munich to meet up with the other guys from the Greek bobsled team and of course, I was the first to arrive. So sit around dozing for an hour and a half when 3 of the guys show up except for the pilot whose plane is delayed 3 hours so found a comfy bench and slept for a while. Finally shows up and then some logistics have to be taken care of, car rentals, cargo pick up for my sled, and then off we go...so far, a 16 hour day.
I rode with a fellow hockey player named Alex who is the number 2 position in the 4 man bobsled so we had a good ride to Igls as we exchanged stories and of course, I had a lot of questions concerning bobsled.....I wanted to be as prepared as possible.
We finally get to our destination but before we can chill and get a good nights sleep, we had to unload the 2 and 4 man bobsleds in a nearby barn....so far, a 19 hour day.
We finally get to our pension, have a meal, and quickly hit the sack....so far, a 21 hour day...which worked out well because I got to bed at 23:45 which kind of negated my jet lag.
It was a dark drive but I could feel the beauty surrounding me.....we are afterall, in the Alps.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Here we go again.....

Happy New Year to all but.....Back to business......here's my daughter Melia, helping me ship out my sled at Air Canada cargo....one more time, and if things go according to plan, we'll do it once more.
Tim, your sled bag 'Skin and Bonz' has come in extremely handy and has traveled quite a bit so far, Park City, Calgary, Germany, and now back again, and it still looks good. Thanks again Tim.
The people at Air Canada cargo have been amazing and actually very supportive. I've got to know them all by name, John, Jim, Mike, George, Denise, Ron, Dino, and even Joe from Calgary. They have taken care of me, and of my stuff, really well. Thanks folks.
Austria, then Germany........I cannot tell you what an adventure this has been so far, and how fortunate I feel to be in this position. I am much more relaxed in knowing what is in store for me....I know the track, and I know it will be tuff, but this is it....the moment I have been waiting for. It only seems like yesterday that I was talking about it......now it's happening!!
Just goes to show you how time flies and how we have to enjoy life...in no matter what state we are in....this gift, life, is so precious and its' limit is simply our imagination and our motivation.
Life, should not be a challenge, but we can make it as challenging as we want....heck, I'm about to introduce myself to bobsledding and I don't even know if I will like it.......