Monday, January 09, 2006

Igls Austria.....loooooong 1st day

Well flew into Munich to meet up with the other guys from the Greek bobsled team and of course, I was the first to arrive. So sit around dozing for an hour and a half when 3 of the guys show up except for the pilot whose plane is delayed 3 hours so found a comfy bench and slept for a while. Finally shows up and then some logistics have to be taken care of, car rentals, cargo pick up for my sled, and then off we go...so far, a 16 hour day.
I rode with a fellow hockey player named Alex who is the number 2 position in the 4 man bobsled so we had a good ride to Igls as we exchanged stories and of course, I had a lot of questions concerning bobsled.....I wanted to be as prepared as possible.
We finally get to our destination but before we can chill and get a good nights sleep, we had to unload the 2 and 4 man bobsleds in a nearby barn....so far, a 19 hour day.
We finally get to our pension, have a meal, and quickly hit the sack....so far, a 21 hour day...which worked out well because I got to bed at 23:45 which kind of negated my jet lag.
It was a dark drive but I could feel the beauty surrounding me.....we are afterall, in the Alps.


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