Sunday, September 21, 2008

Week 3

Well, it feels like I have been here forever but it is only week 3 but on the other hand, I have totally lost track of days which I find good.....except when it comes to Sunday.....my day of rest........I definitely remember that day.

A little more volume again this week on my program and I am loving it. I believe things are coming along.......more small technical things to work on which would provide big results if I can nail them down.....

I tried yoga this week and although I knew that it could be strenuous, I realized that I don't need to be forcing myself anymore than I have been so I have decided to continue the stretching part, holding it longer with the breathing exercises but add a little meditation aspect to it.........my intention is to be and feel relaxed as I stretch.......I'll try it this upcoming week.

I scrimmaged with the Extreme womens team on Tuesday..........they played really well and it is only the beginning of the season. For my first time playing hockey since my knee surgeries, they held out okay and I did alright considering I was sucking Calgary wind and my timing was off a bit, and I lost almost every face off as I was playing centre......the next day though..........my groin muscles were screaming......just goes to show you the variance of strain on the same muscles used from speed skating to playing hockey.........

As for the women's university team, the Dinos, we won another exhibition game on Monday and lost one on Saturday so that makes us 3-1 for pre-season. We had the team pic taken earlier in the week and I'm in it.......go figure but at Saturdays game, Danielle and I made a decision that I would take the asst coach job............hmm......good thing I was in the picture then right?! The girls are great and its fun coaching them.......also, I will be modifying my own training regiment, as I may be training too hard now, so that will create time for the hockey. Looking forward to a packed season.

And it's finally official........I don't like slamming anyone on my blog but after two weeks of giving "benefit of the doubt"............Calgarians are some of the worst drivers I have ever seen!!!!!!!!! At first, like I said, maybe I was just running into these bad luck situations cause I seem to be a magnet for this but........no, it's really them. Take for instance on the highway..........not much traffic, people will merge onto the highway and go across 3 lanes to sit in the left lane, for no reason what-so-ever, and then drive 70kms in a 90kms zone........it's a passing lane folks!!!!!! I mean even heavy trucks hang out in the left lane........incredible and they are totally clueless........what is it with this infatuation of the left lane????

Now, in the city, people coming out of driveways from shopping malls or Tim Hortons or banks whatever, don't just come out in the first available lane to them.......noooooooo........they cross right into the left lane again cutting other cars off for no particular reason and do not accelerate to match speed........they are totally clueless!!!!!!! Now, when I am driving in the left lane and see a car waiting to turn from a driveway on the right side........I can guarantee you that car will cut me off.........left to left and right to right people!!!!!

As for intersections......ha........people turn in front of you, as you are coming through an intersection on the opposite side, like they are the only ones around and you are leaning on the horn cause they are about to be stamped with a Nissan logo as they get T-boned and they haven't a clue why you are honking!!!!!!!! Unbelieveable!!!!!!! And all this is happening at anytime of the day......from 0600am 'till I park my car in the evening........well, it definately keeps me on your toes.

I will give them this though........when there is a construction zone, and there are lots of them, they totally drive the 50kms posted speed........in Quebec, those signs don't mean anything.....they are taken as suggestions..heh heh.

Well, I have my first weekend race scheduled for next Saturday......I am curious if we have moved along yet. I will be racing the 1,000m only.......2 and 1/2 times around........I am psyched!!

My roommate Steve has been showing me some chords on the guitar and I would love to say that I am coming along but I am a little rough on it........music is the harmony of the soul.......although in my case..........it's the squeal in your ears....heh heh.

Me doing my Sunday sharpening......



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