Let it snow, let it snow.......

Well, we had our first real snowfall and it was a doozy, it came down pretty much all day. This gave me a chance to build Mount Meli.....ever since we've lived here, when I shovel the driveway (and it's a long one), I would build a small Mount Meli where my daughter and her friends can slide on but every year, it gets bigger. Yesterday, I shovelled the whole driveway onto Mount Meli and it is definately the biggest Mount Meli to date, and in one snowfall. I usually shovel one half the driveway onto Mount Meli otherwise I'd be shovelling backwards but, I figured that would be my workout......maybe I should call it Mount Love cause it's amazing when you love soemone so much.....what you would do for them....in this case, it is straight up, unfettered, natural love......wouldn't that be amazing if it existed between adults?
Her little school friend and neighbour, Jason, initiated the hill, then stayed over for supper, and then we went skating at their house on their outdoor rink.....old pond hockey. Jim (Jason's Dad) did an excellent job on the rink and for him too, every year the rink gets bigger so more shoveling......and happened to be caught in the pic too is my other neighbour Marc, the friend who helped me with my skeleton sled.
Training has been going well. My training for now consists more of cardio, boxing, light weights with circuit training, hockey and weighted skating, and of course, weighted sled training. The other day, I increased the weight on the sled......first couple of runs was with my daugther only (45lbs), then I added a 25lb plate and my daughter (70lbs) for a couple of more runs and then I added another 25lb plate (95lbs) for a final couple of runs......the last ones were something but this training really works....you sense the power. I also finally ordered my skates from the U.S since the store here was jerking everyone around.....I should have them within 2 weeks.
Well, now we are looking like winter......time to crack out the cross country skis!!
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