Saturday, September 08, 2007

Hill running with new meaning.....

Well, well, well, lots of things to catch up on.....first of all, my Saturday hills took a twist for more power and I am now running them with the sled I built with weight on it (total of approx 50-60lbs altogether). I am only running the 30 degree slope but holy smokes batman, what an incredible workout. I run the 4 hills as a warmup, then I run with the sled 4 times up and down, and then I run it again twice more but backwards without the sled....yet. Thank God Sunday is a day of rest. And who is my training partner again???.....my beautiful daughter, and my wife was the photographer this time.
I was planning to move to Calgary this September but I have modified my schedule somewhat in that I will travel to Calgary every week for two ice sessions as I have joined the club there now as of last week. I already feel more comfortable in this sport and by next March, I will see my progress, if any, and make a decision to go for it or not.
My bosses at work fully support this new endeavour and allow me to take the time off that I need when I need it......that is amazing!!
My family supports this also.....again, and that means alot to me. That is one of the reasons I didn't want to move to Calgary just yet.....family......and my daughter's first year of hockey.....can't miss that, and of course, grade 1......homework!!
So I am training 6 times a week and I feel great although both my knees are hurting, not from speed skating but I guess kinda like the shoulders......wear and tear, but I have an MRI appt this Wednesday to see what's going on.
I have not timed myself again but that can wait 'till December probably, hopefully by then I would have shaved off a couple of seconds.
My new skates are great and I am learning each time I hit the ice.....still haven't fallen and I don't even think about that anymore.
Not many people know what I am up to but the ones that do are a great encouragement and I appreciate all their comments and support. I have already worked on the new t-shirts that I will be selling to raise money when the time comes and it looks nice.
Until the next adventure......



Anonymous Anonymous said...


continuing despite difficulties, opposition, or discouragement , a tenacious trainer, she adheres to her grueling swimming (Speed Skating) schedule no matter what, see PERSISTENT

That just about sums it up. " Never Give UP"

Bro Tim

11:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


continuing despite difficulties, opposition, or discouragement a tenacious trainer, he/she adheres to his/her grueling swimming schedule no matter what -- see PERSISTENT

That just about sums it up. " Never Give UP"

Bro Tim

11:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dee you may want to delete the first TINACIOUS as it is spelled wrong and the He was excluded. OOPS. So much for cut and paste.


11:29 PM  

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